Targets Manager

Set the expectations of performance

Outlining the direction the business needs to go creates a clear path for your teams.

Measure and monitor your success

Every business needs to set targets for success and clearly communicate them to the team. SalesLogs creates easy to understand visuals for your teams based on your expectations.


SalesLogs Targets Manager function is designed for

Owners and General Managers

“Set expectations for department managers and their teams”

Department Managers

“Be accountable for the department and team results"

Team Members

"A clear understanding of your KPI's and measure your success"


Site Targets

Set the performance expectations for each of your departments with ease. You can view up to 12 months of past performance whilst quickly setting up to the next 12 months targets. All in one page.

Individual Targets

Create accountability and transparency of individual performance with a dedicated target for each team member. View past performance at a glance to help with reviews and future planning.

Next Feature
History Tracker

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